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Infection ECHO - complete your registration


We're happy to welcome you to our Project ECHO network.

Please complete our registration form to become a member of our Project ECHO. Once you have completed this registration form, you will be able to access the information and resources stored on our Innovation ECHO page, and attend our regular online meetings.

If you have any queries about the network, or more generally about Project ECHO, please don't hesitate to contact us.

About You

Organisation Details

Address (must be your work address)

IT Support

It is essential that you have a conversation with your IT support team to ensure you are "ECHO ready". Project ECHO's success relies on hardware, software and network support.

Hardware and software installation must be authorised by your IT team - it is likely that your device has been restricted fo security.

Hospice UK cannot, and does not, provide technical support. Further guidance can be found online: https://www.hospiceuk.org/zoomsupport.

Terms and Conditions

We will never sell or swap your data and we promise to keep it safe and secure in accordance with the Hospice UK privacy statement.

Project ECHO at Hospice UK is improving hospice and end of life care for healthcare professionals in the UK
Welcome to our Innovation ECHO

Legal information


About Hospice UK

When Hospice UK and/or its wholly owned trading subsidiary, Help the Hospices (Trading) limited (together "HUK") collect information from individuals either online or manually this is likely to be personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR"), and HUK will be a data controller under the GDPR. This policy deals with the rights of individuals in relation to personal data under the GDPR as well as general approaches to, and standards of, safeguarding privacy adopted by HUK.

Hospice UK will be taking photographs and recording meetings/video-conferencing sessions with the intention of publishing content online for the use of training resources and for publicity.

Hospice UK's privacy policy is published on our website.

Project ECHO

Project ECHO has been developed and is owned by the Regents of the University of New Mexico (“UNM”), the rights to which have been assigned or licensed to the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center ("UNMHSC"). More about Project ECHO can be found on the following website: https://echo.unm.edu/

How will my data be used?

We process your data in the following ways:

  • To fulfil the services we have been engaged to perform (Performance of a Contract).
  • To give you certificates of attendance (Performance of a Contract).
  • To understand the growth and impact of Project ECHO (Legitimate Interest).
  • To contact you with regards to important information about Project ECHO (Performance of a Contract).
  • To contact you to inform you of upcoming ECHO sessions (Performance of a Contract).

Where and why will your data be stored?

Your data will be securely stored within Hospice UK for the purposes outlined below:

  • To continue to meet our legal obligations (Legal Obligation).
  • Performing anonymisation or pseudonymisation on personal data sets prior to analysis.
  • Using analysed and aggregated data for reporting to funding and governmental entities (Legal Obligation).
  • Using analysed and aggregated data for research related to the ECHO movement (Legitimate Interest).
  • Using data quality assurance and in decision making related to new initiatives (Legitimate Interest).
  • For Project ECHO promotional materials (Legitimate Interest).

We will never sell or swap your data and we promise to keep it safe and secure in accordance with the Hospice UK privacy policy.



If you would prefer us not to contact you about this ECHO network or you change your mind at any time please call us on 020 7520 8200 or email clinical@hospiceuk.org.