Education Network

Find out about the Education Network, how it helps hospices train and develop people to deliver high-quality palliative and end of life care, its upcoming meetings and useful links.
What's on this page
The Education Network:
The Education Network is for people who work or volunteer for a Hospice UK member organisation. It:
- shares the latest thinking in education, staff development and learning, with a particular focus on early entry, existing workforce and later career pathways
- shares innovative education and workforce models and how they have been implemented
- shares knowledge, expertise, resources and solutions to common challenges
- provides peer support
- considers practical measures that can be used now and in the future.
Read the Education Network's statement of purpose, including aims, work and responsibilities.
We meet every two months via MS Teams. In three meetings per year we will discuss current work and challenges, share ideas and solutions. In the remainder we will concentrate on key priorities identified in previous meetings.
One meeting per year will be face-to-face (if feasible) to help members of the group to network. We provide notes, resources, recordings and useful links from our meetings for members of the network, allowing those who can't take part to benefit.
Meeting dates
Network meetings take place bi-monthly.
Further details, an agenda and joining instructions are shared via MS Teams.
If you would like to know more about the meetings please contact us.
Meeting summaries and presentations
Video links, notes and resources from each meeting are shared via MS Teams.
You can also find presentations from meetings before August 2024 on the Education Network meeting resources page.
Online discussion group
When you sign up to join the network, you will be invited to join our Microsoft Teams online discussion group, where you will be able to share information and chat to fellow members of the group. You will be given instructions on joining the group once you've completed the registration form.
Useful links
Health Education England (HEE) exists to support the delivery of excellent healthcare and health improvement to the patients and public of England by ensuring that the workforce of today and tomorrow has the right numbers, skills, values and behaviours, at the right time and in the right place.
HEE - Apprenticeships
HEE - Nursing Associates
Public Health Scotland (formerly NHS Health Scotland) provides evidence of what works to reduce health inequalities, works across all sectors in Scotland to put this evidence into action, and supports national and local policy makers to design and evaluate interventions that help build a fairer, healthier Scotland.
Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) is dedicated to transforming the workforce for a healthier Wales. We are a Special Health Authority within NHS Wales and sit alongside Health Boards and Trusts.
The Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council for Nursing and Midwifery (NIPEC) was established by the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2002 under the Health and Personal social Services Act as an NDPB (Non Departmental Public Body) to support the development of nurses and midwives by promoting high standards of practice, education and professional development. NIPEC also provides advice and guidance on best practice and matters relating to nursing and midwifery.
Skills for Health is a not-for-profit organisation committed to the development of an improved and sustainable healthcare workforce across the UK.
Established in 2001, Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England. They work with employers, Government and partners to ensure social care has the right people, skills and support required to deliver the highest quality care and support now and in the future.
Read the Skills for Care End of Life guide
Read Nursing and Midwifery Council's 'Implementing the standards of proficiency for registered nurses' for more information about putting NMC's standards of proficiency for registered nurses into practice.
NMC is the independent regulator for nurses and midwives in the UK, and nursing associates in England.
The NHS' work on end of life care (EoLC) has been driven by their commitment to implement the workforce related recommendations in the ‘One Chance to Get it Right’ publication, produced by the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People in June 2014.
This coalition of 21 members from across the healthcare sector, including HEE, was commissioned in 2013 by the Department of Health to produce a system-wide written response to the Independent Panel Review of the Liverpool Care Pathway led by Baroness Neuberger.
The Leadership Alliance set out its vision of what good care in the last days to hours should include in One Chance to Get it Right, in the form of five Priorities for Care of the Dying Person.
The HEE Star is a tool developed by HEE (Health Education England) to bring structure and coherence to conversations about workforce challenges and to support workforce transformation.
Download the Hospice UK suite of workforce and educational resources.