Patient Safety Community of Practice

Join the Patient Safety Community of Practice to share learning with others and improve patient safety your hospice.
What's on this page
About the Patient Safety Community of Practice
This Community of Practice is part of our Patient Safety Project. The project aims to improve patient safety by:
- facilitating learning events and webinars
- hosting and supporting a community of practice for professionals
- collecting and analysing patient safety data.
The Community of Practice operates via an online discussion group on MS Teams, which enables members to ask each other questions and share ideas at any time.
The Patient Safety Community of Practice is led by our Clinical team. Please contact us with any questions about our Patient Safety work.

How to join
Join the Patient Safety Community of Practice by filling in this short form. You will be added to our MS Teams group and recieve instructions about how to access it.
Webinar resources
Browse the resources from previous Patient Safety webinars.
All our meetings take place on MS Teams, and members are invited via our online discussion group. From July 2024, webinar resources will be shared on MS Teams.
Quarter 4 webinar on medications and safety.
A review of quarter four/year-end data and presentations on:
• A CQC perspective on Quality Improvement
• Medication incidents and Human Factors
• Feedback from the National Hospice Controlled Drug Working Group
We were joined on 14 May 2024 by Karen Hayllar, the Senior Lead in NHS England’s ‘Making Data Count’ team.
Karen explained the value of statistical process control (SPC) charts to analyse patient safety incident data as part of a hospice’s continuous improvement journey.
We learnt:
the differences between quality assurance and performance management
how recognising variation in data over time can be used to support conversations about safety and quality.
Topic: medications and safety
Our webinar welcomed:
Medication discrepancies: ‘Stand Up and Be Counted’ - Vicky Hill, Quality Assurance Lead, St Columba’s Hospice
Booklet for managing meds at home: Dr Sarah Mollart, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Nicholas Hospice Care and colleagues
A PSIRF journey: Lesley Munro, Director of Patient Care and Communities, Princess Alice Hospice
Variations in palliative care - learning from the Health Services Safety Investigations Body.
Hospice UK worked closely with the Health Services Safety Investigation Body (HSSIB) on a report which includes valuable recommendations for local health systems.
At our webinar we welcomed Helen Jones, Senior Safety Investigator and colleagues from the HSSIB.
You can now access the webinar recording, including Q&A hosted by Toby Porter, CEO, Hospice UK.
- Stop the Pressure Day! Tissue viability and falls.
- Review of quarter 2 data 2023/4
We welcomed Jacqui Fletcher OBE, Senior Clinical Advisor, The ASHN Network, who presented on updates to the Wound Care Strategy, along with Lynn Cornish, St Margaret’s Hospice Care, Faith Slater, St Wilfrid’s Hospice and Nichola Smith and Georgia Wood, Katherine House Hospice.
PSIRF and Hospices with Claire Land, Policy Manager, Care Quality Commission
- A review of quarter 1 data
- Case Study on Clinical Audit by Joe Potts, Clinical Lead and Head of Inpatient Services, Douglas Macmillan Hospice, Stoke on Trent.
- Topic and curriculum setting for 2023/4 webinars
- Review of 2022/3, quarter 4, year end data
- Governance
- Recondition the nation - see the resource for this
Patient Safety Incident Response Framework (PSIRF) and implementation
- A review of the Quarter 2, 2022/23 data
- Making data count
Lunch and learn session on making data count, recorded on 27/10/22.
Watch the recording (You Tube video)
- Quarter 1 of 2022/3 data review
- Patient Safety Incident Response Network (PSIRF)
- Q4, year-end reporting
- Human Factors, Valerie Noble, Chartered Physiotherapist and Ergonomist, St Luke’s Plymouth
- Topic setting for future webinars – review of questionnaire sent in advance and whiteboard discussion to finalise topics
- Review of 2021/22 quarter 2 data
- Falls audit dashboard
- Medication Incidents sub-group
- Pressure Ulcers sub-group