#IRemember photography series
As part of #IRemember 2022, world-renowned photographer Rankin collaborated with Dying Matters to capture both the universal and unique experience of grief.

During #IRemember, 7-13 November, Dying Matters invited you to explore death and grief through our photography series with world-renowned photographer, Rankin.
Click on the arrows to look through our eight real-life portraits and read their stories below.
Read their stories

Ed remembers Kip
"It’s wonderful when people talk about Kip. It lets us know that they remember him too. Tears follow, but that’s such a small price to pay. The memories are so real, so precious, and felt as deeply as losing him."

Toby remembers his dad
"Dad always carried some humour with him. I miss days like the one in this photo. Too often grief is something kept inside and pushed away as we have to carry on with the normal fast-pace of life."

Ike remembers Mimi
"I didn't want to give it a name. I wanted to hold on. But I understand now.
I remember telling the children, ‘I don't know what's going to happen, but we're going to try our best. Mummy is a soldier. She's a warrior. And she's showing us how to be warriors."

Maria remembers her wife
"Her smile always blew me away. When she was playing with the kids she always smiled. She loved us all so much. I miss her."

Stephen remembers Steven
"It was a shock losing Steven. Death and funerals never really came up in conversation. I certainly wish it had, life really is too short. I feel so privileged and lucky to have shared so many wonderful moments with him. I thought I’d feel sad having my photo taken next to him again, but I actually feel great elation."

Rubina remembers her Abba and Amma
"Abba (dad) and Amma (mum), not a day goes by when I don't miss you. My soul is at peace now because I finally understand, your death has not separated me from you, instead it has reconnected us. It has reconnected me to myself."

Kevin and Jack remember Bob
"We all miss him and his wisdom so very, very much. It seems apt that #IRemember coincides with Armistice week. This will be the first year that there is another hero missing although I know my dad would be so proud that he is remembered."

Aongola remembers his Auntie and Grandma
"The common denominator of every memory and moment I spent with them is laughter. They taught me to seek joy and laughter in every moment, however difficult things may be. And I base my life resilience on that."