What to write in holiday cards to someone who is grieving
13 December 2023
Introduction image
It can be hard to see friends, loved ones or colleagues grieving, and there's no perfect way to make it better. We can't bring back the person who has died.
Still, it's important not to ignore their pain. Just letting them know you're there and offering support can be a good starting point.
Our Compassionate Employers team share some examples of what to say in holiday cards to someone who is grieving.
If you know details, like the person's name, it's nice to include.
Choose a card that feels right; sometimes a simple festive one works best.
If you're unsure what to write, just imagine what you'd say to them and write that down.
Test out a few versions on a scrap of paper if you need to.
If you're unsure, saying something is better than saying nothing. Your colleague will appreciate that you remembered.
Example 1
"I’ve been thinking about how different this Christmas might feel for you without John around.
"If there's anything I can do to ease your workload or support you during this time, please don't hesitate to let me know.
"Sending loads of love to you and your family."
Example 2
"We're all thinking of you as you go through your first holiday without your beloved mum.
"Do lean on us for support. We're all here to support you however we can during this time."
Example 3
"Wishing comfort to you and your partner as you face your first Christmas without your baby.
"I'm so sorry for your loss.
"My thoughts are with you, and if there's anything we can do to make this time a little easier, please let us know. Take care of yourself."
Example 4
"You'd be very welcome to pop over to ours for the day - or we could pick up the kids and take them off your hands for an afternoon?
"I'm reminded of your Mum every time I see a Christmas jumper - and how much she loved wearing them and having a little dance."
Related stories
Explore our resources on seasonal grief support, and how our Compassionate Employers team can help support you and your colleagues who are bereaved or have caring responsibilities.