If you are looking for immediate support, the following helplines and online chats can help. You may also want to call your Employee Assistance Programme or any other support lines your employer offers.
GriefChat Support organisations in helping those dealing with grief by providing the individual with a safe space for to share their feelings and thoughts with a qualified bereavement counsellor.
CruseChat The CruseChat service allows you to speak openly and remain anonymous if you prefer and talk to a counsellor about how you are feeling.
At a Loss Counsellor Provide the UK’s bereavement signposting website. Chat live to a specially trained GriefChat bereavement counsellor. It is a completely free service and available Monday-Friday, 09.00hrs – 21.00hrs.
Carers UK Adviceline: Offers expert advice and information on a range of issues including financial and practical matters. Call: 0808 808 7777 – Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm