Support for line managers

About these resources
As a line manager you’re likely to know quite a lot about your staff’s personal lives.
A good working relationship can sometimes develop into friendship. Even if you do not see your colleagues away from the workplace, you may share details of what is going on in your lives.

Sharing sensitive matters
When it comes to managing life-limiting or terminal illness, death and bereavement in the workplace, the more staff that are comfortable to share with their line manager, the easier it is to handle these sensitive matters well.
However, it is important to remember that people do not have to share this sort of personal information unless they want to.
Line manager support resources
This hub provides guidance, downloadable resources and useful links to places where you can find more detailed information or help if you want it.
There are companion sections for human resources teams and for employees too.

What to say to a bereaved employee
How to approach talking to a bereaved member of staff, including things you can say, and tips for conversations.