Download Resilience: a framework supporting hospice staff to flourish in stressful times.
About this publication
In 2013, Hospice UK commissioned The Point of Care Foundation to examine research into the experience of hospice staff and volunteers and strategies to support them in their work.
The report provides a checklist and framework to help hospice leaders and managers to assess strategies for supporting staff and to devise their own. The framework describes the range of interventions available for leaders to respond to different types of stress that might affect people working or volunteering in hospices.
We recommend that senior leaders use the checklist to inform strategies to ensure a healthy and resilient workforce and that boards receive annual reports on its use.
This report was written and researched by:
Joanna Goodrich, Head of Evaluation and Learning at The Point of Care Foundation
Tony Harrison, Independent Researcher
Jocelyn Cornwell, Chief Executive of The Point of Care Foundation.
The Point of Care Foundation acknowledges the contribution of Marie Cooper, Practice Development Lead at, Hospice UK, and Heather Richardson, Joint Chief Executive of St Christopher’s Hospice and formerly National Clinical Lead at Hospice UK, who provided the hospice perspective.