calendar icon
When is this?
01 October 2025
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Where is this?
Mosimann's, Belgravia
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Who is this for?
Who is this for
People with interest in designer women's fashion

Hospice UK Fashion Lunch


On Wednesday 1st October, Hospice UK will be hosting an exclusive, high-end Fashion Lunch at the beautiful Mosimann's private dining club, in the heart of Belgravia. The event starts at 12 noon.

You will be welcomed to the event with a drinks reception, followed by a delicious two course lunch with wine. After the lunch, you will be able to enjoy a fashion show featuring a number of high end designers.

There will be a chance to shop directly from the designers after the show, with 10% of sales coming straight to Hospice UK! 

Tickets are available at £175 per person and all proceeds go directly to support Hospice UK’s national programme of work.

Please note - tickets are not yet available for this event. If you have any questions about the event, or wish to be contacted when tickets are available, please contact the events team on 020 7520 8243 or email