
Have you ever read someone’s story and thought, ‘this is exactly what I needed to hear today'? Your story can do that for someone else. 

Our stories, whilst all unique, are all completely normal. And talking about them is important for all of us. It could help someone else in a similar situation. It could help us better understand what's happening for people at the end of life. Or, it could just help you.

We're looking for stories to feature on the Dying Matters channels and website, and to help us, and our parent charity Hospice UK, better understand what is happening for people who are dying, and who have been bereaved.

Sharing your story for Dying Matters Awareness Week 2025

For this year's Dying Matters Awareness Week (5 - 11 May), we're keen to hear your experience of death and dying in your community, culture or faith. 

If you’d like to contribute, please send your experience in via our Share Your Story form below. We’re looking for anywhere from 50 to 250 words, and a photo if you have one. 

You could write in answer to this question: what does the culture of dying mean to you?

  • You could describe an experience you’ve had of a death in your family or community, and what cultural or faith practices or traditions took place before, during or after.
  • Perhaps the person who died was cared for by their family or friends?
  • Perhaps there was a particularly joyous funeral or life celebration?
  • Is there something you wish people knew about the way that death and dying is approached, or talked about, in your community, culture or faith?

Thank you for considering sharing your story for Dying Matters Awareness Week.

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If you hear or see something that you relate to - from someone who has been through a comparable experience or has felt similar emotions - then this can help you feel less alone. That's why we need to hear from you.

Fill in our form above, or check out the FAQs below. 

Portrait of Ellie Harrison from The Grief Series

My mum left us all these handwritten notes

Ellie, whose mum died when Ellie was 17
Share your story