Zoom support

A guide on taking part in Zoom meetings, including equipment, installation, testing and configuration.
What's on this page
The most important element for videoconferencing is the speed and quality of your network connection.
Ensure there is ample Internet bandwidth. To achieve the best performance, we recommend a minimum of 1.5Mb/s upload and download per device. Check your bandwidth using an online service such as SpeedTest.net
Your IT team may be able to dedicate a meeting room for videoconferencing. They could configure the network so that it guarantees a minimum bandwidth.
Networks are extremely complicated, and bandwidth constantly fluctuates. You may be able to control the network locally but not outside of the building.
We recommend using a wired Ethernet connection, which is more resilient and offers a better connection than WiFi.
Hardware installation must be authorised and supported by your IT team. It is possible that your device has been restricted, and you may require their help.
You will need a device with a camera, microphone, and speakers. The type and quality of equipment required depends on the size of the room and the number of participants in that room.
Your IT team will probably have a preference for specific hardware providers that will work with your device(s).
Room size Number of people Equipment Very small 1-3 A modern laptop with an integrated webcam, microphone, and speakers. Small 1-3 A modern PC with a webcam with built-in microphone, and external speakers. The monitor size depends on your preference, we recommend larger than 24" to enable easy reading of presentations. Medium 1-5 A modern PC with an entry-level conference camera. The camera will typically have an inbuilt microphone and speaker. We recommend a monitor of 24" or above. Medium/Large 1-10 A modern PC with mid-level conference camera. The camera should have an inbuilt microphone and speaker. Instead of installing a large monitor you could install a video projector. Most modern equipment is defined as Plug and Play and installation is as easy as plugging the device in. You may require the support of your IT Team for the relevant installation permissions.
Software installation should be authorised and supported by your IT team, as your device may have been restricted. Before installing Zoom, you should ensure you have installed up-to-date, real-time, antivirus software.
- Download Zoom
- Select the Download button if the download does not start automatically.
- Select Run
- Zoom will install, and open when complete.
- Zoom has now been installed and a shortcut added to your Start Menu (Windows).
- Pin or create a shortcut to make it easier to load Zoom in the future. Options to do this can be found by right-clicking on the shortcut within the Start Menu (Windows).
- If Zoom is not currently open, load Zoom from the Start Menu (Windows) or from your shortcut.
- Select Join a Meeting
- Type zoomtest for the Meeting ID, and type your full name for your Screen Name
- When you join the meeting, you may be asked to Join Audio Conference by Computer. Select the button to enter the meeting.
- 1 to 1 Zoom Test Sessions are also available. Please see the latest dates/times to join a Zoom session with a member of our Team. Here you can ask questions relating to issues you may be experiencing within Zoom, ahead of your next meeting.
Configuring and testing audio and video
Settings for the audio and video are located in the bottom left of Zoom. The up-arrow (caret) next to Mute contains the audio settings, and the up-arrow next to Stop Video contains the video settings.
- Select Audio Options... from within the up-arrow menu next to Mute
- Instead of selecting the red Leave Computer Audio button, select the blue text underneath - Test Computer Mic and Speakers.
- Select Test Speaker to make sure your speakers are working. Make sure the correct speakers are chosen in the adjacent drop down box. You can set your preferred volume using the volume bar below.
- Select Test Mic, and speak at a normal volume. Select the button again to hear your mic. Make sure the correct microphone is selected in the adjacent drop-down. We recommend unticking the automatically adjust microphone setting, as this will ensure a constant microphone level.
- We recommend that you check/tick these options: Automatically join audio by computer when joining a meeting and Always mute microphone when joining meeting.
After completing the audio configuration, select the X in the top right of the pop-out settings window and the previous window to return to the test Zoom meeting.
- Select Video Settings... from within the up-arrow menu next to Stop Video
- Ensure that the correct camera is selected in the drop-down.
- After checking the video settings, you can return to the zoom test meeting by selecting the X in the top right of the pop-out settings window..
When all the tests are successful you are ready to join a Zoom meeting.
Hospice UK holds regular test Zoom meetings, we would love you to connect and say hello.
Before joining a Zoom meeting, you may want to let your IT team know so that they can be on hand if you need them.
- You will be sent an invitation for each meeting which will clearly reference a Meeting ID. Each Zoom meeting has a unique ID, typically a 10 or 11 digit number along with a passcode.
- If Zoom is not currently open, load Zoom from the Start Menu (Windows) or from your shortcut.
- Select Join a Meeting
- Type the Meeting ID you received in your invitation into the Meeting ID field.
- Type your full name into the screen name field if it has not been remembered by Zoom.
- Select Join to join the meeting.
- Enter the passcode given to you by the network coordinator
Joining a Zoom meeting by URL
Sometimes you may receive a URL to join a meeting. This URL does not always work. We recommend copying the meeting ID from the end of the URL and pasting directly into Zoom.
Some best practice tips and advice for participating in a Zoom meeting:
- When you first join the meeting your microphone should be automatically muted. Muting and unmuting your microphone can easily be done by selecting Mute in the bottom left corner of Zoom.
- When a red line is showing through the microphone icon it means you are muted.
- Background noise is a big problem with video conferencing. Ensure you are in a private space away from noise, and ensure your microphone is muted when you are not talking.
- If you are using a laptop and your microphone is unmuted, please do not type on the keyboard.
- Onboard microphones pick up local vibrations a bit too well!
- Refrain from ruffling papers anywhere near a microphone/laptop/webcam.
- Ensure that when speaking you are facing the microphone, which may be built into the camera.
- Maintain a strong/confident voice when talking - conference microphones and applications will auto cut-off if a volume drops below a certain level.
- Make sure your mobile phone is switched off.
Zoom tips
It's important to work with your IT Support Team to get Zoom up and running.
If you run into any problems make sure that your equipment is plugged into the correct inputs, and that there is only one instance of Zoom running.
To help your computer run Zoom smoothly, it is a good idea to close all other background applications before you join a Zoom meeting.
Have you tried turning it off and on again? That infuriating and frustrating phrase from IT Support desks the world over - but sadly it does solve most problems!