
Find lists of grants issued by St. James's Place Charitable Foundation to hospices since 2016.
Hospice | Region | Project Title |
Grant Amount (£) |
Barnsley Hospice | Barnsley | 72hr discharge community outreach nurse |
39,008 |
City Hospice | Cardiff | SWIFT: Enabling people to remain at home in moments of crisis through a rapid response hospice paramedic service |
37,071 |
Foyle Hospice | Derry | Seven Day Community Specialist Palliative Care in the Southern Sector of the Western Health and Social Care Trust |
40,000 |
Harlington Hospice Association | Harlington | Coach to care, coach to connect. Enhancing the knowledge, confidence and courage of family carers living with deprivation. |
38,500 |
Kirkwood Hospice | Huddersfiled | Community Development & Engagement Care Co-ordinator for Batley & Spen. Helping the underserved South Asian Community access care for their loved ones at home. |
40,000 |
Mountbatten Hampshire Hospice | Southampton | Assessing impact of employing an Occupational Therapist embedded in multidisciplinary Community Team to avoid Hospital admissions and optimise death at home |
39,924 |
Sobell House Hospice | Headington | Improving early access to palliative care for the homeless population in Oxfordshire through integration with the homeless health and social services |
39,255 |
St Elizabeth Hospice | Ipswich | Expansion of in-person, specialist nursing provision for patients wishing to die at home with dignity, in Great Yarmouth and Waveney |
38,516 |
St Gemma's Hospice | Leeds | Improving Psychological and Emotional Wellbeing for Community Specialist Palliative Patients |
39,334 |
St Leonard's Hospice | York | Joined up Education & Care York - Enabling system wide responsive, coordinated care for individuals living with frailty who wish to die in their own home. |
40,000 |
St Luke's Hospice | Basildon | Increased Outreach for St. Luke’s Hospice Carers Support Service |
40,000 |
St Richard's Hospice | Worcester | Introduction of a Psychological Care Facilitator (PCF) to the Hospice at Home service, to assess and support patients and informal carers through their psychological distress. |
35,837 |
The Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House | King's Lynn | Enhanced Hospice at Home |
40,000 |
Willowbrook Hospice | Prescot | District Nurse Support Service Collaboration Project |
40,000 |
14 Projects Funded |
547,445 |
Organisation | Region | Project Title | Amount Awarded (£) |
Highland Hospice | Inverness | Supporting remote communities to provide people living with life-limiting illness or age-related frailty the care they deserve when they need it most. | 40,000 |
Lewis-Manning Hospice Care | Poole | Lewis-Manning Hospice Care at Home from palliative diagnosis to end of life. | 40,000 |
Overgate Hospice | Elland | Overgate at Home | 40,000 |
Pilgrims Hospices | East Kent | Connecting with our local rural community beyond the Hospice walls. | 32,822 |
Rennie Grove Hospice Care | St Albans | To establish Community Day Service Hubs to care for patients and families living with life-limiting illness in rural and remote communities in South Buckinghamshire. | 40,000 |
St Barnabas Hospice | Lincoln | Reaching communities in an under represented rural sector of Lincolnshire, offering end of life palliative counselling and bereavement care in prisons. | 39,704 |
St Clare Hospice Care | Hastingwood | Rural Community Hospice Hub – North Uttlesford, Essex | 38,268 |
St David’s Foundation Hospice Care | Malpas | Increased provision of Hospice at Home services in Powys | 40,000 |
St Luke’s Hospice | Cheshire | Single Point of Contact Service | 18,949 |
St Wilfrid’s Hospice | Eastbourne | Help us provide vital personal care to patients in the rural north of St Wilfrid’s Hospice's catchment area | 39,257 |
Teesside Hospice Care | Middlesbrough | Community Outreach | 40,000 |
The Ayrshire Hospice | Ayr | Delivering a Complementary Therapy at Home service for end-of-life patients living in rural and remote communities across Ayrshire and Arran | 40,000 |
Tynedale Hospice at Home | Hexham | Tynedale Hospice at Home Rural Psychotherapeutic Service - holistic care for terminally ill patients and their families. | 40,000 |
Woking & Sam Beare Hospice | Woking | Out-reach Wellbeing Project | 11,000 |
Grand total (14) | £500,000 |
Organisation | Region | Project Title | Amount Awarded (£) |
Dorothy House Hospice | Bradford-on-Avon | Palliative Progressive Lung Disease Clinic | 29,257 |
Dove House Hospice | Hull | Sing to Breathe | 17,513 |
Great Oaks, Dean Forest Hospice | Coleford | "Fatigue and Breathlessness Group" | 7,787 |
Halton Haven Hospice | Runcorn | Extend and enhance our current breathlessness management Programme | 28,500 |
Katharine House Hospice | Banbury | Breathe Easy: increasing patient and carer confidence in managing breathlessness | 16,516 |
Kirkwood Hospice | Huddersfield | Breathe Better | 19,000 |
Lindsey Lodge Hospice | Scunthorpe | B.E.E.P - The 'Breathe Easy Enablement Programme' for patients and their families | 39,520 |
LOROS | Leicester | Help with Breathlessness at Home | 14,000 |
Mary Stevens Hospice | Stourbridge | Fatigue, Anxiety and Breathlessness Groups | 14,853 |
Nottinghamshire Hospice | Nottingham | Breathe Easy with Nottinghamshire Hospice | 20,307 |
Rowcroft Hospice | Torquay | Development of a breathlessness, fatigue and anxiety self-management 4-week programme | 21,795 |
Saint Michael's Hospice | Harrogate | Breathlessness Crisis Response Service | 39,870 |
St Gemma's Hospice | Leeds | St Gemma’s Breathlessness Support Package | 39,823 |
St Helena Hospice | Colchester | Improving outcomes for patients with respiratory disease | 28,595 |
St John's Hospice | Lancaster | Managing Breathlessness in Prisons | 9,773 |
St Oswald's Hospice | Newcastle upon Tyne | Equity of choice for patients with a need for Long Term Ventilation (LTV) | 32,391 |
St Wilfrid's Hospice | Chichester | St Wilfrid's Hospice: Full Sails Ahead | 35,700 |
Strathcarron Hospice | Denny, Scotland | Living Well with an Advanced Lung Condition | 36,797 |
The Rowans Hospice | Waterlooville | ‘A breath of fresh air’: transforming the management of breathlessness in Portsmouth and South East Hampshire | 30,824 |
Grand total (19) | £482,821 |
Organisation | Location | Project Title | Amount Awarded (£) |
Ardgowan Hospice | Scotland | Kith and Kin: Supporting Kinship Carers of bereaved children and young people in Inverclyde | 32,770 |
Arthur Rank Hospice | Cambridgeshire | Hospice at Home day time care in City, South and East Cambridgeshire | 40,000 |
Ashgate Hospicecare | Chesterfield | Ashgate Hospicecare caring with our community | 40,000 |
ellenor | Gravesend | Supporting family carers – the hidden heroes of the home | 24,540 |
Greenwich & Bexley Community Hospice | London | Reaching out to young carers programme | 22,354 |
Hospiscare | Exeter | Improving support for LGBT+ carers at end of life | 30,000 |
Longfield | Minchinhampton | The development, promotion and delivery of a new programme of accessible, practical workshops designed to reach and support more hidden adult family carers of people with a life limiting illness | 33,460 |
North London Hospice | London | Kinship Connection | 40,000 |
Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice | Farnham | Carer champion to embed an integrated approach to carer assessment within a hospice setting | 21,989 |
Prospect Hospice | Swindon | Who cares? | 11,964 |
St Francis Hospice | Romford | The Men’s Den - for men who care | 30,600 |
St Barnabas Hospices | Worthing | Implementing the use of CSNAT approach at St Barnabas House, with a particular focus on experiences of male carers | 18,208 |
St Christopher’s Hospice | London | Building a network of support for carers and families of people at the end of life care without recourse to public funds | 40,000 |
St Joseph’s Hospice | London | St Joseph’s carers’ service | 35,000 |
St Luke’s Hospice | Plymouth | Enabling choice and compassion in rural areas: using compassionate networks to enable informal carers to care for people at home at the end of life | 40,000 |
St Wilfrid’s Hospice | Eastbourne | Co-designing support for male carers in the community | 39,096 |
Grand total (15) | £499,981 |
Organisation | Location | Project Title | Amount Awarded (£) |
Compton Hospice | Wolverhampton | Caring Hearts, support for Cardiac Patients | 29,967 |
Douglas Macmillan Hospice | Stoke-on-Trent | Living well with heart failure programme | 19,500 |
Earl Mountbatten Hospice | Isle of Wight | The Heartbeat Project – developing and sustaining a partnership project between Earl Mountbatten Hospice and people living with heart failure. | 30,000 |
Garden House Hospice | Letchworth Garden City | Bridging the Gap – Heart Failure and Palliative Care in North and East Hertfordshire | 12,209 |
Greenwich and Bexley Community Hospice | London | Expanding end of life care for those with heart failure located both in the hospital and the community of Greenwich and Bexley - through expert support, training and partnership working | 34,000 |
Hospiscare | Exeter | Heart2Heart | 32,000 |
Longfield | Minchinhampton | Living well and planning for the future, a rehabilitative holistic approach to supporting people with heart failure | 37,500 |
LOROS Hospice | Leicester | LOROS at the 'heart' of the community | 29,954 |
Nightingale House Hospice | Wrexham | Inside /out - Integrating Heart Failure Services within Hospice Care at Nightingale House | 40,000 |
Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice | Glasgow | Heart Failure Palliative Care Clinical Education Partnership Programme | 19,000 |
Rowcroft Hospice | Torquay | Developing a sustainable model of care for patients with end-stage heart failure to support equity of access to hospice and supportive care services. | 36,759 |
Sobell House Hospice | Oxford | Learning to live well with heart failure | 39,994 |
St Barnabas Hospices | Worthing | St Barnabas House Advanced Heart Failure Registered Nurse | 28,095 |
St Catherine's Hospice | Preston | Creating a collaborative approach to the care of people with end stage heart failure in Central Lancashire | 39,765 |
St Helena Hospice | Colchester | St Helena Hospice Heart Failure Palliative Care Project | 30,000 |
St Luke's Hospice | Basildon | Management of people with heart failure in a hospice setting - a shared care strategy | 35,000 |
Teesside Hospice | Middlesbrough | Be in Charge of Your Heart Failure | 8,495 |
Grand total (17) | £502,238 |
Organisation | Location | Project Title | Amount Awarded (£) |
Dove House Hospice | Hull | The Dove House Hospice Rehabilitation for Wellbeing Project | 36,228 |
Earl Mountbatten Hospice | Isle of Wight | Enabling not disabling – shifting the culture across Earl Mountbatten Hospice (EMH) to blend compassion and care with enablement, rehabilitation and self management. | 35,000 |
Hospice of St Francis | Berkhamsted | Developing and evaluating palliative rehabilitation in an IPU setting – measuring the benefits | 40,000 |
Hospiscare | Exeter | Creating a culture of rehabilitation, goals setting and self-management throughout our patient services | 35,000 |
Kirkwood Hospice | Huddersfield | Enabling Quality of Life – EQOLS project | 33,785 |
LOROS | Leicester | EVOLVE – Engaging Volunteers and other Organisations in Leading Versatile Enablement | 30,000 |
Northern Ireland Hospice | Belfast | Changing perceptions and perspectives: developing rehabilitative palliative care with the introduction of a rehabilitation support assistant. | 38,500 |
Phyllis Tuckwell | Farnham | Social and Therapeutic Horticulture (STH) scheme expansion | 35,040 |
Rowans Hospice | Portsmouth | 'Keeping active, living better for longer': implementing a rehabilitative activity programme for people with a life-limiting illness | 36,900 |
St Catherine's Hospice | Preston | St. Catherine's: Whose Choice is it Anyway? | 35,000 |
St Christopher's Hospice | London | “Living well at home” - home rehabilitation using volunteers to help people improve their lives. | 40,000 |
St Gemma's Hospice | Leeds | Living Well @ St. Gemma’s | 39,147 |
St Margaret of Scotland | Glasgow | The Rehabilitative Palliative Care Project | 30,000 |
St Richard's Hospice | Worcester | Caring for Life: supporting you to live well | 35,000 |
Willen Hospice | Milton Keynes | Willen Hospice Rehabilitation Programme | 33,250 |
Willowbrook Hospice | Merseyside | Willowbrook Outreach | 37,150 |
Grand total (16) | £570,000 |
Explore other St. James's Place Charitable Foundation content on the Hospice UK website.