Improving care for people with progressive neurological conditions
Supported by the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

This grants programme will support hospices to make long-term improvements to palliative and end of life care for people with progressive neurological conditions.
These grants are supported by the Masonic Charitable Foundation, and are available to Hospice UK members in England, Wales, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
What funding is available
Thanks to the generous support of the Masonic Charitable Foundation, we are able to offer grants of up to £40,000 to each hospice participating in the programme.
A total of £400,000 is available so we are looking for 10-14 hospices to participate.
What you can do with the grant
This grants programme aims to facilitate a sustainable change in care for people with progressive neurological conditions.
Projects will run over a period of 18 months. This includes a three-month set-up phase; one year of project delivery; and an extra three months to cover any unforeseen delays.
Your hospice can use the grant to start a project from scratch, or use new approaches to improve an existing programme of work. This might include:
- respite care
- symptom management
- rehabilitative approaches
- care co-ordination
- outpatient services
- remote/outreach services for those who struggle to travel
- carer education and support
- sharing knowledge and skills with less experienced organisations.
We encourage our grants projects to be developed and implemented in partnership with other organisations. This helps ensure the work is fully integrated in the local health system and complements existing provision.
We expect that your project will be co-designed with current and future service users.
What we are looking for
To apply for this grant, hospices must be:
- a member of Hospice UK
- an independent charitable hospice
- based in England, Wales, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
You can be an adult hospice, children's hospice or provide care for all ages.
We will only consider one application per hospice. Hospices that were awarded a grant in our Transitional Care for Young People programme in April 2024 are not eligible to apply for this grant.
Support from Hospice UK
Hospice UK uses a Quality Improvement approach to support all successful hospices through the life of their grant.
We organise Project Lead Days where all the participating hospices can meet, develop ideas, solve problems and learn from each other.
Hospice UK staff will visit grants programmes to help evaluate progress, and can help facilitate discussions to solve any issues that might arise.
We will help you share the learning from your programme. This might include:
- speaking at webinars and communities of practice
- sharing examples of innovation about your work
- including your data and outcomes in our evaluation of the programme as a whole
- submitting an abstract for a poster or presentation at our National Conference.

How to apply
Apply for a grant to improve care for people with progressive neurological conditions via our grants portal.
The deadline for applications is 17:00 on Monday 18th November 2024.
Please read our guidance document before you draft your application.
We are grateful to the Masonic Charitable Foundation for their support for this programme.