Using simulation to improve communication skills among ICU staff

How St Luke’s Hospice in Harrow and Brent has worked with a local NHS Trust to provide communication skills training for nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU).
About this example of innovation
Project and outcomes
Project overview
St Luke’s Hospice’s education team were approached by a local NHS Trust, who had noticed that many of the nurses in the intensive care unit (ICU) lacked confidence in communicating with patients and their families around the end of life. The Trust recognised that hospice staff are skilled at having these discussions, and asked St Luke’s to provide some communication skills training for the ICU nurses.
The education team delivered two full-day workshops to 26 ICU nurses. The workshops began by teaching about communication models, followed by an afternoon of experiential learning.
The hospice used simulations to help nurses practice their communication skills in a safe environment. Participants were split into three groups, each with a facilitator from St Luke’s. Paid actors played the part of patients or family members in different scenarios.
Group members took it in turns to communicate with the actors, gaining feedback from facilitators and discussing any issues that arose with the group. The next group member then took a turn using the same scenario, learning from the feedback and discussion. This enabled the group to learn together and try out different communication methods.
The training was successful, with all participants rating it as being very helpful in improving their confidence and skills. The simulation was reported to be the most helpful part of the day.
Tackling the scenarios as a group allowed the nurses to learn with and from each other.
Facilitators, challenges and advice
Key facilitators
The team reviewed the literature around training to improve communication skills, which showed that simulation has been tested and found successful. The scenarios they used for the training had already been tested by others.
The training took place over one full day, rather than spreading shorter workshops over several days. This made it easier for the nursing staff to be released for training.
The facilitators each used the same feedback model to ensure that all participants had a consistent learning experience.
The majority of participants had not undertaken simulation based learning before therefore it was sometimes challenging to get people to volunteer to ‘go first’. People wanted to watch others and learn before taking their turn.
Some participants were nervous about taking part in a role play at all. The facilitators were able to discuss this with individuals and found that some were particularly anxious about their communication skills. By discussing this with the group, colleagues were able to support each other. Once they had been supported to take part in the simulation, all participants gave very positive feedback.
To help build a sense of security, the nurses stayed in the same groups with the same facilitator for the duration of the training.
Simulation training was new to all the nurses taking part. In planning the day, the team had support from a consultant in palliative medicine, who had previous experience of simulation.
The team would have liked to have spent more time teaching communication theory before moving on to the simulations, but they were limited by the nurses’ availability.
Tips and advice
Confirm funding from the outset. Be really clear about the costs associated with training and whether they will be covered. This includes the facilitators’ time, the time to plan sessions and create materials, actors’ fees and so on. It always takes longer to plan than you think!
Set a limit to the number of participants in the training, depending on how many facilitators there will be. Aim for a maximum of six people per group.
It’s important to give a theoretical foundation before beginning the simulations. During the simulations, make sure participants get a chance to talk about challenging situations they have experienced and how they could apply what they are learning.
Make sure you employ actors with experience of delivering advanced communication skills training.
You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. There are lots of tried and tested simulation examples across the country that you can use for your own training.
Future development
St Luke’s education team would like to deliver this training more widely to support other NHS trusts.
They are looking for training and development to ensure their facilitation skills are robust.