How Dr Kershaw’s Hospice re-engaged and empowered staff by improving communication, embedding the hospice’s vision and values, and strengthening the wellbeing offer.

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Adele Doherty began working at Dr Kershaw’s Hospice in 2016, becoming Chief Executive in April 2023. The hospice was still seeing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and there was a sense of disconnection due to ongoing changes in working patterns and communications.

Adele had a vision for where the hospice was going in the coming years, but she knew she needed a healthy workforce to deliver her plans.

She set out to re-connect the hospice-wide team, uniting staff with a clear set of values and sharing her vision. She also wanted to introduce herself as the new Chief Executive and share her ethos.




Everyone in the hospice team has been enthusiastic about these new initiatives.

Feedback shows that staff now have a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing the hospice over the next few years. They know what direction the Hospice is going in, and feel more involved in meeting challenges as a staff team.

Staff surveys reflect that the workforce is now happier and more engaged, with a commitment to the hospice’s values. Recruitment and retention are improving.

How Dr Kershaw’s Hospice re-engaged and empowered staff by improving communication, embedding the hospice’s vision and values, and strengthening the wellbeing offer.

Tips and advice

Adele's advice includes:

- create a Task and Finish group with clear objectives and timescales.

- develop a clear plan to achieve the outlined objectives.

- speak to staff (verbally and via surveys) to find out what they want.

- ensure you have good internal communication systems in place to share your messages to staff at the right time.

More information and resources