
You can help shape the content of our flagship National Conference.

Apply to join the review panel, which assesses the conference abstract submissions. Or, become a mentor to support people who are less familiar with writing abstracts.

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How to join our panel of reviewers


We are looking for expressions of interest from those who can offer their experience, expertise and time to help us review conference abstract submissions.

Why get involved?

This is a great chance to get a first look at new, exciting work taking place across the palliative and end of life care sector. 

We receive submissions showcasing innovative ideas and approaches from current and future leaders, thinkers and ‘doers’. The review process is critical in shaping a conference programme of content that will encourage debate and discussion on a national platform.  

By joining the review panel, you'll have a direct say in which pieces of work get showcased. Successful abstracts will be selected for an oral presentation or display poster. They will also will be published in a supplement of BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

In recognition of your support on the review panel, your name will appear in the conference programme. 


“Working in a non-clinical role in the hospice sector, I genuinely look forward to reading the abstracts ... The process is super smooth and I manage to fit the abstract reading in and around my schedule pretty easily within the timeframes given.”

- Previous abstract reviewer

Getting involved as a mentor


Hospice UK’s call for papers attracts submissions from authors who are experienced in writing abstracts, through to those who are newer to the process.  

To help those who are less experienced in writing for publication, we are seeking volunteer mentors who could share their knowledge and experience in writing abstracts. This will help mentees increase the chance of their work being accepted for presentation.

Evaluation of the scheme shows that, since it was introduced in 2022, all of the authors who have taken part have benefitted from the mentorship.


"This process has been incredibly helpful and the feedback I have received has been really comprehensive and straight forward.”

- Previous mentee


The mentor programme is entirely independent of the formal abstract review and selection process. It is also anonymised and neither the author nor mentor have direct contact with each other.