Childhood Bereavement Courses

Our Working in Childhood Bereavement Courses at Level 6 and Level 7 are delivered by Hospice UK with Candle Children and Young People’s Bereavement Service, St Christopher’s and accredited by Middlesex University.
The 2024/25 course is currently closed for applications.
What's on this page
Who can apply?
The programmes are open to people with:
- experience in working with bereaved children and their families, for example in education, health or social care
- ability and willingness to participate and learn in face to face and online groups
- ability to communicate ideas verbally and in writing
- a degree for admission to the Level 7 course.
Prospective students should have access to a personal computer and email to facilitate communication with course tutors, administrative staff and other students.
Course content
Direct Practice: Working with Bereaved Children, Young People and Families:
- Pre-bereavement
- Theories of bereavement
- Child development; loss through the life-cycle; the family context
- Attachment theory and bereavement
- Children bereaved by a traumatic death
- Assessment issues
- Working with individuals, with families and in groups
- Working within intersectionality
- Brief versus extended interventions, telephone work and online support.
Context and Framework:
- Service development: assessing need and setting up a service
- Setting standards for service delivery: record-keeping; monitoring and maintaining quality; working with volunteers
- Supervision and support
- Inter-agency working; referral to other services
- Safeguarding
- Children’s Mental Health
- Impact and implications of Covid-19 for bereavement services
- Training issues for service providers: resources; methods; reflective practice.

There is no doubt that the Childhood Bereavement Course gave me the experience and academic underpinning that led directly to my role with SeeSaw.
I would not have been able to manage the complex role of director without this training; I am extremely grateful to all involved.
I thoroughly recommend the courses to anyone currently working in the field as well as those looking to move into this important and rewarding work.
Helen Mackinnon, Former Director of SeeSaw
More information
The courses are taught on a part-time basis over 10 months. Students are required to attend all sessions.
- Two in-person sessions (Thursday and Friday) at the beginning and end of the course at CARE, St Christopher’s, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road Sydenham London SE26 6DZ.
- One in-person session (Friday) midway through the course at Hospice UK, Hospice House, 34-44 Britannia Street, London, WC1X 9JG.
- Six one-day online sessions (Fridays).
Teaching staff
Role Name Title Course Leader and Tutor Emma Lupton Candle Child Bereavement Coordinator, St Christopher's Course Tutor Fiona Walkingshaw Head of Adult and Child Bereavement Services, St Christopher’s Course Tutor Julia Manning Senior Palliative Care Social Worker, Epsom and St Helier University NHS Trust Admissions and Assessment Tutor Anita Hayes Hospice UK Course Manager Amber Morgan Hospice UK -
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways, including:
- a case discussion and presentation
- two learning journals
- a short individual presentation of a practice technique
- professional and service development plan.
Please note: The teaching and course content are the same across both Level 6 and 7, but the assessments are differentiated.
Course fees and additional costs for students
Level 6 (40 credits) £1800 plus VAT (£2160 inc VAT)
Level 7 (40 credits) £2400 plus VAT (£2880 Inc VAT)
No part of the course fee will be refunded if a student does not take up their place on the course or if they decide to withdraw once the course has started.Additional costs
In addition to the registration fees, you will have to fund the cost of travel, overnight accommodation, subsistence, books and occasional photocopying. If you are invited for interview, you will be asked about how you plan to cover the cost of studying.
If you are successful in gaining a place on one of the Childhood Bereavement Courses, you might be eligible to apply for one of our bursaries and professional development grants. These support the professional development of hospice staff by making a contribution to the cost of course fees.
Find out about the Masonic Charitable Foundation's bursaries for hospice staff
Find out about the National Garden Scheme professional development grants

I cannot overstate how much I gained from the 2014/15 level 5 course. The mix of trainers made every day that I attended truly inspirational.
Working in a room of people who were daily supporting bereaved families gave the most amazing level of peer support and opportunities for professional development. The academic requirements ensured that I developed what was taught in each session by further reading, thanks to excellent guidance from the librarian at St Christopher’s Hospice.
It is now a year since we finished the course and every month I refer back to my notes or essays and I have also contacted some of my ‘study buddies’ for advice and suggestions.
Denise Ozanne, Project worker, The Sunflower Project, Barnardos

Find out about future courses
We are no longer accepting applications for the Working in Childhood Bereavement Course 2024/5, as this is fully booked.
If you would like more information about future courses, please register your interest using our online form.