Information after diagnosis
Finding out you or someone you are close to has a terminal or life-limiting illness can be a very painful process. It can be reassuring to know that support is available.

This signposting resource is part of Hospice UK’s Compassionate Employer programme.
If you or someone you work with is going through a terminal or life-limiting illness and is looking for support, familarising yourself with the below information can be helpful.
Here you will find signposting information for a range of support related to terminal or life-limiting illness including free helplines, legal rights at work, financial support and specialist support organisations.
Diagnosis Information
The Hospice UK website has an extensive hospice and end of life care guide, plus this video on what to do if you, or someone you know, receives a life-limiting or terminal diagnosis.
The NHS explains what end of life care involves, where you can be cared for and receive continuing healthcare. More information can also be found in the End of Life Care section below.
Marie Curie offers information on understanding if you or someone you are close to has a terminal or life-limiting illness.
Free helplines and support organisations
Marie Curie offers support to anyone who has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Call for free on 0800 090 2309 or join the online community to find more information about end of life, dying and bereavement and free booklets.
Together for Short Lives helps to support families caring for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.
The NHS offers information on end of life care and coping with a terminal illness.
Dying Matters, a campaign by Hospice UK, provides a range of practical support and resources such as the Planning Ahead tool and the Dying Matters podcasts
Health Talk provides videos and written interviews of people talking about their feelings and emotions when told they had a life-limiting illness.
Mental health support
Self-refer yourself to NHS Psychological Therapies.
Call the Samaritans free helpline on 116 123 or visit Samaritans. Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support for anyone in emotional distress.
Legal rights with work
Marie Curie give an overview of your rights at work when you have a terminal illness, explains what sick pay is and how to find out if you are eligible for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). They also offer information on how to support an employee with a terminal illness.
Citizens Advice explains how to check if you can claim for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you have difficulty working because you’re sick.
CIPD has guidance about managing and supporting employees with a terminal illness and explains the legal obligations an employer has to protect employees with a long-term health condition.
ACAS explains what an absence policy should cover and looks at how workplaces deal with absence.
The NHS offers a list of charities that can provide support for free, explains the different types of benefits available and who is eligible for them as well as contact details for useful organisations.
The Gov.uk website explains the benefits you can receive if you are terminally ill and how to make a claim for yourself or someone else.
Practical arrangements
Age UK has practical information on writing a Will, power of attorney, managing your documents and accounts and getting financial help.
The Digital Legacy Association explains what a Digital Legacy is and why it is important to gather this information to help your family to legally access your accounts when you are gone.
Having conversations
Talking to children about dying
Marie Curie gives tips for having difficult conversations, such as talking to a child about dying.
Child Bereavement UK offer support, a useful information sheet for explaining death to a child and a directory to find support near you.
How to talk to people with learning disabilities about death
Talkabout is Marie Curie’s podcast to get inspiration and support to help you talk about death, dying and bereavement.
Sudden is an early intervention service which provides support on how to engage with people who have learning disabilities about loss, bereavement and end of life care. Call 0800 2600 400 10am and 4pm, Monday to Friday - immediate support.
Foundation for people with learning difficulties is part of the London South Bank University and they help make things better for people with learning disabilities by looking at how to change things that are not going well and suggest ways to make things better.
Get in touch
If you would like further information about the programme or any sources referenced, please contact us at: compassionateemployers@hospiceuk.org.