Welcome to Hospice UK’s directory for end of life service providers.
This directory is a one stop shop for all of your end of life needs and services. It will help you more easily plan a funeral for someone, or plan your own funeral.
Listed in this directory, you’ll find a range of trusted, reputable suppliers known to Hospice UK, like funeral directors and advance care planning services.
The Resources for End of life Directory is for people needing advice and services on anything related to end of life. You might be planning a funeral, so rather than searching lots of different websites for funeral directors, you can find all of these resources in one place.
Whilst we recommend that you do carefully consider the organisations listed here before you engage them – for example by checking reviews and speaking to them – you can be assured that Hospice UK has done some of the legwork for you.
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This directory is a one stop shop for all of your end of life needs and services.
This section contains details of providers that advertise services or products for those needing end of life or funeral services. While all the providers listed in this directory are known to, and have been subject to an internal due diligence with, Hospice UK, none of these providers, nor the services or products they offer, are endorsed by Hospice UK.
It is for each potential purchaser or user to make their own assessment of the suitability of the services or products according to their own needs.
We know that dealing with end of life and hospice care can be hard. Our information and support pages give you guidance and tips to help you and your family through this.