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Dementia End of Life Care Community of Practice - complete your registration


Register to become a member of our Community of Practice, and gain access to our MS Teams discussion group, where you can keep in touch with your peers between meetings.

This features event announcements, relevant articles and resources, calls for research and participation and updates relating to dementia. We also share the recordings and slidesets from previous meetings via Teams.

If you have any queries about the network, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Name of hospice / organisation
If you don't work for one of Hospice UK's member hospices, select 'Other' from the list, and write your organisation name into the text box provided.

By ticking the box below, you confirm that you would like to:

- Join our Dementia End of Life Care Community of Practice,

- Gain access to our online discussion group

Hospice UK will only use the data you provide on this form, for the purpose of the Dementia End of Life Care Community of Practice.

Nurse talking to patient in wheelchair
Welcome to our Dementia End of Life Care Community of Practice